When we're performing and notice that we're experiencing pressure, what happens to our focus?
Do we pay attention to all of the noise and distraction surrounding our performance?
The people we're performing with and against...
The weather and elements of the environment we're in...
Whether or not we may be successful in this moment...
Our previous successes or failures...
The repercussions of coming up short of our goal...
Do we pay attention to the task that is in front of us?
Choosing an external target for our attention that is relevant to what we're doing...
Having a routine that directs our attention to the present moment...
It matters where our focus is in any given moment, and where we place our attention is even more important when performing under pressure. Everything is amplified both physically and mentally in moments of pressure. The more that we are able to be aware of where our focus is and shift it to the ideal target in the present moment, the more likely we are to be successful. The skill of being present and focused on the performance is trainable. If we expect to be ready for pressure-filled moments without practicing ahead of time, then we are setting ourselves up for a letdown. When we are present and focused on the performance, we can dissolve pressure. We become engrossed in what we're doing, and the distractions that are still present don't seem to trip us up.
Interested in learning more about distractions and performing under pressure? Check out this video about how to perform under pressure!