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Control Amidst Chaos


"The athlete who is in championship form has a quiet place in himself. And it's out of that that his action comes."

-Joseph Campbell


Why is it that when the environment becomes chaotic, some people are able to access what it takes to perform well, while others seem to be swallowed up in the noise? Everyone who competes or puts it on the line in his or her job wants to do well when it matters most. We all practice, train, recover, and try to put ourselves in the best possible position to be successful. However, there are times that we allow noise and distractions, both internally and externally, to get in the way of simply being present with our performance. So how can we improve our to ability to find that quiet place in ourselves and hold steady regardless of what is going on in around us?

Equanimity. It is a fancy word that means, "Mental or emotional stability or composure, especially under tension or strain; calmness" (Equanimity") Doesn't this sound like a superpower we want? We look to and gravitate towards those who can remain calm and composed when things are going well or when shit hits the fan. The beautiful thing is that being controlled amidst chaos is trainable and is a skill that can be developed! One way to find that quiet place internally is to sit and just be with our thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Once we develop a consistent time and place where we sit with our breath and body, then we can take it to the next level and practice anywhere. Most of our performances are not happening in a quiet and secluded place! They are happening with tons of noise, other people, and all types of distractions. When chaos increases, did we put in the time to train our minds to remain calm and even-tempered? If not, there is no better time than the present to begin!

Our mental training for today is pretty simple. At some point in time today, particularly outside or in a crowded area, S.T.O.P.

  1. Stop

  2. Take a Breath

  3. Observe what is going on around you (Without getting pulled into what you observe)

  4. Proceed forward

"Equanimity.", 2019,

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